Magnadroid Suite is a metal and magnetic field detector*. It will use your device magnetometer to represent the data in graphic and friendly ways. Offers the following features:
-Measure magnetic strength
-Custom calibration to avoid environment magnetic noise
-Accuracy is displayed so you'll notice if calibration is required
-X, Y and Z compared to magnetic strength
-Bars plot
-History plot
-Easy to use
-It's free!
If you have any issue please report it to the developer mail:
* Detection capabilities are subjected to device magnetometer. Some metals offer less reaction to phone magnetometers.
**The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.
Suite Magnadroid adalah logam dan detektor medan magnet *. Ini akan menggunakan perangkat magnetometer untuk mewakili data dengan cara grafis dan ramah. Menawarkan fitur berikut:
Kekuatan magnet -Ukur
Kalibrasi -Custom untuk menghindari kebisingan magnetik lingkungan
-Accuracy Ditampilkan sehingga Anda akan melihat jika kalibrasi diperlukan
-X, Y dan Z dibandingkan dengan kekuatan magnet
-Bars Petak
Plot -Sejarah
-mudah Digunakan
-Ini Gratis!
Jika Anda memiliki masalah silahkan laporkan ke mail pengembang:
* Kemampuan Deteksi dikenakan perangkat magnetometer. Beberapa logam menawarkan reaksi kurang untuk magnetometer telepon.
** Android robot direproduksi atau diubah dari pekerjaan diciptakan dan dimiliki oleh Google dan digunakan sesuai dengan persyaratan yang dijelaskan dalam Lisensi Atribusi Creative Commons 3.0.
Magnadroid Suite is a metal and magnetic field detector*. It will use your device magnetometer to represent the data in graphic and friendly ways. Offers the following features:
-Measure magnetic strength
-Custom calibration to avoid environment magnetic noise
-Accuracy is displayed so you'll notice if calibration is required
-X, Y and Z compared to magnetic strength
-Bars plot
-History plot
-Easy to use
-It's free!
If you have any issue please report it to the developer mail:
* Detection capabilities are subjected to device magnetometer. Some metals offer less reaction to phone magnetometers.
**The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.